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A Free Lesson Plan Adventure With Brown Things

Updated on August 6, 2019
Joanna14 profile image

Christine, wife, mother, homemaker for over 40 years, has an NVQ3 in Childcare & Education, a diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition and a TEFL.


Looking for ideas with things that are brown?

I hope you enjoy this Free Lesson Plan, which will take you and your childrens group on a great adventure full of brown things that involve digging, building, getting stuck in the mud, teddys in the woods and animals who are saved by boarding a great boat. Packed with creativity, fun, music and imagination, your children will learn some amazing things that they will go away singing and showing their families and friends.

Bring this natural color, that some might believe to be boring and even negative, to life with it's earthy stability and reliability.

Go on this adventure of brown things with me now and learn with your childrens group about the things in life that give us this stability that we all need. Most of all, HAVE FUN!

Circle Time And Interest Table

Tell the children before to bring in brown things to place on an interest table.

Label each brown thing.

Using a brown bear hand puppet, introduce the session and get the bear to greet the children by name and then show an interest in the brown things on the table. Talk about the natural color of brown.

Get the bear to ask the children what the meaning is of the color brown (stability, reliability) and talk about what this means, using questions such as, are they reliable etc.

Making A Bear Mask

You will need:

A bear mask template for each child

brown crayons, scissors, hole punch, hole reinforcers, elastic.

Draw an outline of a teddy bear's face onto card and give one to each child to color. Punch holes at the sides to thread elastic, checking for the right length for each child.

Each child can make their own bear mask


Singing Time About Brown Things -an enthusiastic singing time

Beginning with your first song:

One man went to mow- on each verse get one child, then two, three, four, five to mime the action of men mowing a meadow, explaining to the children that they are preparing the soil before they can plant anything.

I dig my garden, dig, dig, dig (mime this song altogether as you sing, with each action of digging, planting, eating and shooing, bringing out a toy rabbit as he comes into the song).

If you go down to the woods today- (at this point get the children to put on their bear masks and have the words visible for those who can read to sing along). This is where the trees grow, which we have to chop down to get our wood for building.

Peter works with one hammer (again, mime the action and you could give the dowling sticks to tap appropriately)

The wise man built his house upon a rock (lots to mime and sing along) Was this what Peter was building?

I Dig My Garden, sung for you with actions!

An Elementary Question

Our house is like our life, it needs to be built upon a solid ground to make it stable! What does this mean?

All Aboard The Big Boat!

Make an ark by throwing a large sheet or blanket over a table. Ask the children to get into pairs and decide which animal they are going to be from a list of those that are mentioned in the song. Provide them with rhythm sticks to provide the sounds of hooves and get them to tap them together as they march into the ark when their animal is mentioned in the song. When everyone is on board, close the door and thank God that they have been saved from the flood!

Remind the children that it all started with preparing the ground and planting the seeds. This is all important in the order of things and provides us with a future.

The Animals Went In Two By Two- sung for you here

Bear Snack Time

When the children are seated at the table, provide brown bread, spreadable butter and honey. Whilst helping them to butter their bread, ask them which animals like honey. Talk about why brown bread is better for us than white and how it can make our bodies more efficient and stable.

If time, instead of providing ready-made bread, bring a batch of proved dough and allow the children to form a pair of animals that went into the ark. Bake in an oven and once cooled they could eat one there and take the other one home. You could play the game below whilst they are cooling.

Brown bread and honey!


Don't Get Stuck In The Mud- A Game

This is how it's played

Two opposite walls are "home".

One or two children are stuckers.

They try to catch the others. It they touch them, that child has to stick their arms out, freeze and shout- "Stuck!"

Anyone else can free them by touching them.

If stuckers manage to get everyone stuck, they've won!


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